Urgent! Emergency!
Another first - a trip to urgent care! The day care called me to tell me that he was pushing one of the little chairs in the classroom around and it tipped over and he fell. And cut himself pretty good. And there was blood...not much...but some. And could I come take a look? Seriously? A trip that usually take about 15 minutes, I made in less than 10. In five o'clock traffic. When I got there, he was a pretty happy kid. Except for the GIANT gash above his right eye, I wouldn't have noticed anything was wrong. We went home and consulted with Daddy and decided it was best to go to urgent care.
Waiting for the doctor. Can you see what's wrong with me?
He was perfectly fine until the nurse came in and snapped on her rubber gloves. Then he had a throw down screaming fit...before she ever laid a hand on him. It was all downhill from there. They cleaned out the cut and decided it was straight enough to just glue it shut. And he was fine for the rest of the night. But I think all of the poking and prodding at it made it worse because by the time we got home, you could definitely tell what was wrong.

And it didn't look any better this morning. Poor kid looks like he was in a fight.
He was perfectly fine until the nurse came in and snapped on her rubber gloves. Then he had a throw down screaming fit...before she ever laid a hand on him. It was all downhill from there. They cleaned out the cut and decided it was straight enough to just glue it shut. And he was fine for the rest of the night. But I think all of the poking and prodding at it made it worse because by the time we got home, you could definitely tell what was wrong.
And it didn't look any better this morning. Poor kid looks like he was in a fight.