
We have quite the manipulator on our hands! Daddy was just getting ready to run to the store really quick. The Boy saw him getting ready and went and got his own shoes and took them over to Daddy. He batted those big blue eyes and used that big old grin and sure enough, Daddy couldn't resist. He helped The Boy put on his shoes, then picked him up to tell him good bye. But his plan was foiled again when The Boy started blowing kisses to me and waving bye-bye.

Who Needs Pets?

Every so often David will start talking crazy about getting a dog. As much as I try to explain to him that we are not "dog people" he just doesn't get it. And he always wants a dog at the most inopportune time.

"Hey let's get a dog!"
"Aren't we going on vacation in two weeks?"

"Hey let's get a dog!"
"Umm...we're having a baby in two months." (This was last year. Don't freak out ya'll!)

And honestly now that we've got The Boy, I can't imagine having to deal with a dog too. Or even a cat for that matter. Cleaning up after one poop machine is enough to deal with, thank you very much. The Boy doesn't shed and we trained The Boy to fetch much more quickly than I think we could have trained a dog and definitely a cat. People don't look at us funny when we bring The Boy everywhere we go. The Boy doesn't sniff people's butts. We don't need a leash to take The Boy for a walk. Though sometimes I'd like one. :)

Plus, we get a lot of the benefits of having a pet. He's always glad to see us when we pick him up from school or come home. He loves to snuggle. He'll let you know if there's something in the backyard.

And pet toys are cheaper than kid toys.

Crabby Fun!

This is a month old, but here is David splashing in his crab float. You can see how much fun he has in it. Yes, I believe it's one of the recalled ones but he's never more than an arm's length away from either of us when he's in it. And since I'm not much of a diver, I don't take him into the deep end in it. If you don't like it, you can come take it away from him.

Urgent! Emergency!

Another first - a trip to urgent care! The day care called me to tell me that he was pushing one of the little chairs in the classroom around and it tipped over and he fell. And cut himself pretty good. And there was blood...not much...but some. And could I come take a look? Seriously? A trip that usually take about 15 minutes, I made in less than 10. In five o'clock traffic. When I got there, he was a pretty happy kid. Except for the GIANT gash above his right eye, I wouldn't have noticed anything was wrong. We went home and consulted with Daddy and decided it was best to go to urgent care.

Waiting for the doctor. Can you see what's wrong with me?

He was perfectly fine until the nurse came in and snapped on her rubber gloves. Then he had a throw down screaming fit...before she ever laid a hand on him. It was all downhill from there. They cleaned out the cut and decided it was straight enough to just glue it shut. And he was fine for the rest of the night. But I think all of the poking and prodding at it made it worse because by the time we got home, you could definitely tell what was wrong.

And it didn't look any better this morning. Poor kid looks like he was in a fight.

Happy Sixteenth of July!

Didn't you hear? It's the hot new holiday. All of the cool kids are celebrating it.
OK, I'm just lousy at getting stuff up in a timely manner.

March! March! March!

Rest! Rest! Rest!

David's school had a parade on the Thursday before the Fourth of July holiday. That is a parade in the loosest sense of the word. They marched the kids out, ran 'em around the parking lot one time, took their pictures, and ran 'em back inside. Why so quick? It was 412 degrees outside. You ever had a parade in an oven? I don't recommend it. Anyway, all the kids made hats - David even kept his on for the whole parade. His class also made noise makers. Nobody was happy with just one and they all kept trying to take everyone else's. Afterwards, they had snacks and all the kids drank roughly four gallons of juice to rehydrate. David wasn't interested in his patriotic cookie, but he ate three helpings of raisins.

Splish! Splash!

Here is our low rider floaty. We use this in the evenings when the pool is mostly in the shade. I think he likes this one better because he has a little bit more freedom to move. He is a fiend for the water. Bath time, swim time, splash time, if there's water, he's there.


We went to the Dallas World Aquarium a couple of weeks ago when David's aunt Nancy and uncle Mike came to visit us. Like any tourist, David read the brochure so he could tell us which way to go. I'm not even sure he saw any of the penguins in that exhibit.

The next animal we saw was a toucan I think. I'm not sure if he thought it was cool or if it made him nervous.

He got tired of being in the stroller, so he got to ride on Daddy's shoulders for awile.

We saw lots of things - birds, monkeys, snakes, bug, fish, and sharks. The shark area was very crowded so we didn't get to stay there long. But we got to see some rays up close.

By the time we got to the flamingos at the end, he'd had enough.

Then we all went down to the Sixth Floor Museum - which he slept through - and walked around on the grassy knoll. It was a fun but exhausting day.