Today was the Halloween parade and party at David's school. As you can see, he is a dragon this year. He hasn't wanted to get into the costume at all. In fact, the first time he saw it, he ran away from it. It's been laying around the house for the last week. He's been giving it the stink eye, but at least he hasn't been running from it. I tried putting it on him Wednesday night, but he freaked out before I even got his legs into it. Today at school it was the same but I managed to wrestle him into it. He was very clingy after I got it on him, and he didn't like the other kids touching his tail. He hollered out, "NOOOOOO!" every time one of them got close. Also, he refused to wear the hat. That is, until the teacher said, "Let's go outside." It was like someone flipped a switch. As you can see from the pictures the hat was fine. The costume was fine. He was happy as a clam.
cutest dragon EVAH!