We have such a big boy! My mom loaned us a small table and chair set (acutally doll furniture) that he was using at her house. He had so much fun dragging it around the house and sitting and reading at it, we decided we really needed to get him a permanent set. So shopping we went, which Daddy loves like a root canal! But The Boy and I prevailed and we ended up at IKEA, which Daddy loves like a rabid possum. Apparently everyone else in the DFW area was also at IKEA, which made it so much more enjoyable.
But the childrens' area has all of the furniture out so David could climb all over it, which he really liked and we could see how sturdy every thing is. We ended up with a Svala set. The real fun came when we got home and it was time to put it together. Normally, I read the instructions while Daddy does the assembly. But this time The Boy decided to be Daddy's assistant. He has his own set of plastic kiddie tools, but he quickly abandoned those in favor of the "big boy" tools.