One Year Checkup

This is just a quick post that I should have done on Friday but didn't. We had our one year doctor visit and everything went fine. We pretty much paid $20 to have the doctor tell me that he is "big for his age, but perfectly healthy." He weighs 26.5 pounds, is 31 inches tall, and his head is 19 inches around. That puts him in the 90th percentile for everything, which is good - maybe we'll end up with a Bears linebacker out it! He had to get two shots, which he wasn't thrilled about, but he got food right away and that always makes things better.

The doctor says he doesn't have any food restrictions now, so we can start weening him away from formula. He likes pretty much every food we've given him. He's not really fond of watermelon, but he likes his veggies. He loves his puffies and crunchies and feeding himself. And ice cream, not that he gets much, but the child is a fiend for ice cream. He's definitely got my sweet tooth.
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