Things were pretty slow around our house this weekend. We relaxed, went to Costco, fished a raccoon out of the pool, did laundry. That's right - a raccoon. David found it when he came home Friday after work. So he got to drain the pool and clean it. Yeah, it was hard work, dragging out the power washer and hosing down the sides. I know how much he hates using his power tools.
:) Really it was time consuming more than anything else. Then after it was filled back up 40 hours later, (I'm sure our water bill will be a bazillion dollars this month) he had to take a water sample up the the pool store to get it tested. Good news - no
racooties in the water! Yeah, David rolled his eyes too.
As for the kiddo, he has 5 teeth now. We're hoping those molars come in soon so he can chew things up better. He loves music and will clap and bob his head when he hears it. He's already got more rhythm than either one of his parents so that's a plus. He really likes watching
Jack's Big Music Show on Noggin. He seems to like
Laurie Berkner's music the most. I should have known we had a music lover on our hands. Here he is at Aunt Tina's playing the piano.

He has also given up his morning nap at daycare, which works out well for them. But now he wants to take a nap around 6:00, which is killer because then he won't go to sleep until after 10. So sometimes we take a detour to Target on the way home to pep him up. He likes watching all the people and riding in the buggy. Plus he can't sleep in the buggy....or so I thought.

He's really starting to express himself. I know he's saying, "No thanks, I'd rather not have my diaper changed just now." when he's kicking all over the changing table and trying to crawl off of it. When he goes all spaghetti legs and crumples up on the floor wailing like a banshee (no tears), he's just saying, "If you'd do it my way, we'd all be a lot happier." With tears it's either, "Can't you see I'm playing here people?" or "I'm so tired. Feed me and let me go to sleep."